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科技文献管家 V2.1 绿色版

  • 软件大小:17.0 MB
  • 软件类型:手机软件 - 应用软件 - 文档管理
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 授权方式:免费软件
  • 软件星级:
  • 更新时间:2012-06-25 13:37:59
  • 运行环境:Win9X/WinMe/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/


科技文献检索管家Scientific Article Manager是一款管理科技文献、期刊论文、文件档案的小巧的软件。主要功能是为文件添加外置简介(文字备注),不必打开原来的文件就可以快速调出简介,从而回顾文件的内容。支持为任何格式的文件创建简介。本软件极其小巧,实乃查阅文献、撰写论文的优良的辅助软件。


1. 这款软件收费吗?

2. 这个软件能干什么?

3. 为什么使用本软件?
对于很多我们已经读过的科技文献(.doc, .pdf, .caj, .kdh 等格式),有时候我们只想再回顾一下它的作者、发布时间、期刊出处或摘要内容等,并不打算重新阅读一遍,此时若逐个打开这些文献会很浪费时间。本软件可以为你看过的科技文献创建可快速查阅的内容简介,你再也不用为Microsoft Office, PDF Reader, CAJ Viewer等在你电脑上响应缓慢而苦恼了。

4. 怎么导入要管理的文献?

5. 导入到文献有什么格式要求?

6. 怎么查看文献或其简介?

7. 怎么为文献创建简介或修改简介?
在左侧列表中找到你导入到文献,单击该文献,如果你没有为其创建简介,右侧文本框会提示你创建一个。创建(或修改)简介的方法是点击窗体右下角的按钮修改简介 Change,则打开文本编辑器,输入内容后按CRTL+S或点击文件-保存,关闭文本编辑器。

8. 软件包含哪些部分,可以修改其名称吗?
本软件只有四个部分:名为科技文献管家 Scientific Article Manager 1.0.exe的执行程序;名为Readme.txt的使用说明;名为X的文件夹;名为Documents的文件夹。以上四个文件只有科技文献管家 Scientific Article Manager 1.0.exe可以重新改名,其他三个组件均不可改名,否则软件无法运行。

9. 查询功能怎么用?
直接在查询后面的文本框中输入要查询的内容即可。目前,本软件只支持自左向右的精确查询,例如:你已经导入一篇名为小麦对土壤氮素的奢侈利用机制研究.pdf,你想快速跳至该文件,则在查询后面的文本框中输入小、小麦、小麦对、小麦对土、小麦对土壤 ...均可快速找到该文献。但输入麦、土壤、氮素等则没法快速跳转到该文献。后期版本将考虑改进该查询功能。

10. 我创建的简介可以包含哪些内容?

11. 后期版本有什么改进计划?


Welcome to Scientific Article Manager(SAM) 1.0


Frequently asked question

1. Can I use this software for free?

2. What does this software for?
With this software, an introduction

3. Why choose this software?
Sometimes, we want to have a review about the author, publish date, journal source or abstract of several scientific papers (maybe saved as .doc, .pdf, .caj, or .kdh files) we have read before. In this case, it's unnecessary to open the file as it will really take up a lot of time to open them with Microsoft Office, PDF Reader, or CAJ Viewer (Sometimes, run those software really waste much time). This software can help you write an introduction to each paper you have read, and review the introduction anytime you like, easy and fast.

4. How to import documents?
Just copy the documents and paste them in the folder "Documents".

5. Which format of files can be imported to this software?
Almost all formats(as .doc, .pdf, .caj, or .kdh files etc). However, this software do not allow folders to be imported. And it's strongly suggested that you rename the files with its whole topics. For example, you have a paper "Effects of tillage methods on nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat.pdf", then just name(or rename) it as "Effects of tillage methods on nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat.pdf", not "1.pdf","2011.03.09.wheat.pdf","wheat and tillage.pdf" etc.

6. How to open a file or its introductions?
In the left of the form, you can see a listbox, double click the file in it then you can open the file; if you click the file(not double click), you will find the introduction to it (if you have already created before) be shown in the textbox in the right of the form.

7. How to create or modify a introduction to a file?
In the left of the form, you can see a listbox, click the file in it, then if you have not create an introduction for it, you will find a suggestion shown in the textbox in the right of the form. To create or modify an introduction, click the button "修改简介 Change", then the Notepad will open, and add the information you want in it. After that, press CTRL+S or click the menu "file-save", and then close the Notepad.

8. What does this software consist of, can I rename its system files and folders?
This software consists of four parts:an .exe file named 科技文献管家 Scientific Article Manager 1.0.exe ;a text file named Readme.txt;a folder named X;a folder named Documents. For those four parts, only the 科技文献管家 Scientific Article Manager 1.0.exe can be renamed, the other three are not allowed to rename, or the software cannot work normally.

9. How to use the "Search" function?
Input the keywords in the textbox behind the lable "Search:". However, for now, this software only allow you to search files with keywords from left to right and using refined query mode. For example, you have import a file named "Effects of tillage methods on nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat.pdf". And you want to goto this file immediately. Then you just need to input "Effects", "Effects of", "Effects of tillage", "Effects of tillage methods " etc (either is OK) in the Searching textbox. However, if you input "tillage methods", "nitrogen use efficiency", "winter wheat" etc, it will not work. Maybe in new version, this search function will be improved.

10. What is suggested to write in the introductions?
In fact, anything about the scientific papers is OK. The author of this software would like to input the whole topics of the paper, the author of the paper, the published date, the author's institution, important conclusions, vital materials and methods etc. Generally speaking, anything you like.

11. What improvements will appear in the new version?
Firstly,the Search function will be improved(then, after input a keyword, any files contain this keyword will be shown in the listbox);
Secondly,the links between files and their introductions will be checked, and if there is an introduction but no file relevant to it, then the introduction will be delete automatically.
Finally,add functions such as file input(to folder"Documents",maybe an "input" button will be added in the new version), rename, copy, paste, delete etc.
Any suggestion to this software is welcome. Please email







